Week 6 (8/8/22-12/8/22)
The sixth week of school internship starts on 8/8/22.I taught the topic 'Atoms and molecules' at VIII D and conducted a pretest on the topic 'Balancing of chemical equation' at IX D. The pretest was conducted out of 20 marks. After the pretest, their answers was collected for valuation. On 10/8/22, I taught the topics 'compounds' and 'chemical equation' at VIII D during the third hour. The introduction I gave them based on daily life experience arouses the curiosity to know more about the topic. On 11/8/22,I got a class at IX D during the sixth hour. After the pretest, I found that they have difficulties in balancing chemical equations. So as a strategy 1, I conducted a crossword puzzle game to identify elements and their symbols. A time limit of 10 minute were provided. After the allotted time, I collected the paper and announced the winner. Students were actively engaged in the whole process of completing the puzzle. They were very much excited in solving the puzzle. On 12/8/22,I taught the topic 'Equation showing position velocity relation' at VIII D . I also got a substitution class at IX D during the seventh hour. As a strategy 2, worksheets were given to identify the reactants and products in a chemical reaction. It enhances the students learning and promotes higher level thinking.